These trail running shoes are for runners who aim to complete long distance trail races. They are lighter and have improved grip.
Equipped with the "VECTIV" system that converts energy during running into propulsion and promotes stable running. The sole unit uses a fork-shaped 3D TPU plate with wings that provide stability and high resilience. The midsole is made of lightweight, highly resilient and cushioned DREAM foam. The outsole uses "SurfaceCTRL" (10% natural rubber sole blend) that provides high grip on both dry and wet surfaces. The lug design has been increased to 4.0 mm to improve grip.
The upper material is made of breathable mesh, which is durable and quick-drying. The wing tongue structure improves the fit and prevents your feet from slipping inside the shoe, even when you are going up and down hard or at high speed. The extra cushioning material on the tongue and inside the opening reduces the feeling of tightness and eases the strain on your feet, providing high stability and propulsion for your first long distance race.
Equipped with the "VECTIV" system that converts energy during running into propulsion and promotes stable running. The sole unit uses a fork-shaped 3D TPU plate with wings that provide stability and high resilience. The midsole is made of lightweight, highly resilient and cushioned DREAM foam. The outsole uses "SurfaceCTRL" (10% natural rubber sole blend) that provides high grip on both dry and wet surfaces. The lug design has been increased to 4.0 mm to improve grip.
The upper material is made of breathable mesh, which is durable and quick-drying. The wing tongue structure improves the fit and prevents your feet from slipping inside the shoe, even when you are going up and down hard or at high speed. The extra cushioning material on the tongue and inside the opening reduces the feeling of tightness and eases the strain on your feet, providing high stability and propulsion for your first long distance race.
- Fabric
- <Upper> Lightweight breathable seamless upper, 57% recycled engineered mesh, wing tongue <Bottom unit> Ultralight DREAM foam midsole, 3D TPU plate, SurfaceCTRL rubber outsole (10% natural rubber)
- Function
- Highly cushioned trail running shoes with VECTIV 3.0 bottom / Wing and fork shaped 3D TPU plate provides both stability and resilience / High stack and high rebound DREAM midsole / Breathable mesh for quick drying and durability / Wing tongue construction provides high fit and stability / Offset: 6mm (heel: 35.0mm / forefoot: 29.0mm) / Lug: 4.0mm / USA design
- country of origin
- Vietnam
- Weight
- Approx. 285g (9 inches/one foot)
- Color
- Hero Blue x Sunfog, High Rise Gray x Sulfur Spring G, TNF Black x Anthracite Gray
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