MOFMA Pop-up Event 4/27-5/6
"MOFMA" is a unique brand that creates original lightweight outdoor gear. It's not just lightweight! The designs are quirky, practical, and fun!
This is the perfect concept for our store! We have been carrying MOFMA since its launch.
Well, we will be holding a pop-up event that will condense the world of MOFMA! We plan to have the GHOST TABLE series, the ultra-lightweight Euclid fire pit, the Tyvek series, and more. During the event, we will be recreating the camping style of MOFMA representative Soro-san in the store!
If you're into bikepacking, UL camping, hiking, and more, this pop-up store is a must-see!
The period is from 4/27 (Sat) to 5/6 (Mon)
In addition, Soro, the representative of MOFMA, will be visiting the store on Monday, April 29th (national holiday).
Enjoy the world of MOFMA!

MOFMA Sorosan
My name is Soro from MOFMA. I enjoy bicycle camping and solo camping, mainly in the Kansai region.
It has always been my dream to create an outdoor brand, and with the help of many people, I was able to launch my own brand.
I don't think I could have gotten this far on my own.
I am so grateful for all the good encounters and good fortune I have had.
At MOFMA, we plan to continue developing camping equipment with original ideas. We also hope to open a store near the sea someday that combines the outdoors, a bookstore, and a cafe!